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Self Managed Abortion

Sometimes people choose to manage their abortions on their own, outside the traditional medical system. If you are considering self managed abortion for financial reasons, we can often help with financial support. For those who choose self managed abortion, use these resources to learn more, including possible safety and legal considerations.


What is the self-managed abortion process like?

Doctors Without Borders has a great video explaining the two medications used for self-managed abortions. This is part of a video series that explains how to have a safe self-managed abortion, with topics ranging from how to know if you’re pregnant to recovery.

How To Use Abortion Pill is offers step-by-step instructions for how use abortion pills for a self-managed abortion. The website also provides abortion access information depending on the country and information on providing abortion care.

Where to get pills online

Aid Access is a network of doctors and activists who provide online access to abortion pills by mail and information on how to safely use the pills.

PlanCPills.org offers up-to-date information on how to access at-home abortion pills online for people in the US.

Help with practical support (funding, transportation, childcare, etc.)

The Montana Abortion Access Fund is Montana’s state-wide abortion fund, working tirelessly to remove financial barriers to abortion care.

AbortionFunds.org is a national network of abortion funds for support such as helping with the cost of abortion, transportation, doula services, and childcare.

Apiary PS is a list of active practical support groups across the country that is regularly updated. 

Cyber security info

Digitaldefensefund.org/learn offers cyber security info by engineers and organizers about protecting yourself digitally and having technological support for your abortion.  

Medical questions during at home miscarriage/abortion

MAhotline.org is a confidential, private and secure phone and text hotline for people in need of support for self-managed miscarriage or abortion. 

Legal advice

ReproLegalHelpline.org is a free, confidential source for legal advice and information on self-managed abortion. Visit their website or call 1-844-868-2812. 

Judgment-free all options counseling 

All Options is available for you to talk with someone about all of your pregnancy options from anywhere in the US or Canada by calling 1-888-493-0092.

Emotional support during your abortion

DOPO offers holistic, stigma-free abortion care provided by abortion doulas trained to support you through a reproductive justice lens. 

ReproCare is a health-line providing peer-based, trauma informed emotional support for people having abortions with pills at home. ReproCare operates 7 days a week from 10AM to 10PM MT, call (833)-226-7821.

Emotional support after your abortion 

ExhaleProVoice.org is a text-line 7 days a week for non-judgmental, supportive, peer counseling to talk about your abortion experience.

ConnectandBreathe.org offers a safe space to talk about your abortion experiences by offering a talk-line with staff trained to listen and provide unbiased post-abortion support. 


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